crude death rate specific death rate measures of mortality

Tajamul sir
MathJax TeX Test Page



Crude death rate

 specific death rate

 standardised death rates.



                                        VITAL STATISTICS
 Measurement of Mortality. The following are the principal rates used in measuring mortality. 

 Crude Death Rate (C.D.R.). This is the simplest of all the indices of mortality and is defined as the number of deaths (from all causes) per k persons in the population of any given region or community during a given period. Thus, in particular, the annual crude death rate. (C.D.R.) denoted by m for any given region or community is given by
$$m= \frac{annual. death. rate}{annual .mean. population} \times k$$


The crude death rate for any period gives the rate at which .the population is depleted through deaths over the course of the period. 

1. It is simple to understand and calculate.
2. C.D.R. is “perhaps the most widely used of any vital statistics rates. As an index of mortality, it is used in numerous demographic and public health problems. 
3. Since the entire population of the region is exposed to the 'risk of mortality. C.D.R. is a probability rate giving the probability that a person belonging to the given population will die in  the given period. 
Demerits. Most serious drawback of crude death rate is that it completely ignores the age and sex distribution of the population. Experience shows that mortality is different in different segments of the population. Children, in the early ages of their life, and the older generation are exposed to higher risk of mortality as compared to younger people. Moreover, mortality rate is also different for females, irrespective of age groups, than their male counterparts. C.D.R. is not suitable for comparing the mortality in two places or same place in  two periods unless 
Remark. We can compute the crude death rate for males and females separately. For example, crude death rate for males in the given region during the given period is given by the formula
$$\text{C.D.R. for males} = \frac{^mD}{^mP} \times 1000 = \frac{\sum_{x} ^mD_x}{\sum_{x} ^mP_x} \times 1000$$
Where   mD is the number of male deaths and "' mP is the male population in the given region during the given period. Similarly Female deaths Female population is

$$\text{C.D.R. for females} = \frac{\text{Female deaths}}{\text{Female population}} \times 1000 $$

$$= \frac{^fD}{^fP} \times 1000 = \frac{\sum_{x} ^fD_x}{\sum_{x} ^fP_x} \times 1000$$
C.D.R. is generally less than male C.D.R. 
Specific Death Rates (S.D.R.). In order to arrive at a more useful figure than C.D.R. we must take into account the fact that the mortality pattern is different in different segments of the population. Various segments may be age, sex, occupation, social status, etc. For example, the people engaged in infant or child welfare work would be interested to know the mortality condition in the age groups below 1 year, 1-4 years, 5-9 years, etc. : those engaged in maternal health programmes would like to know the number of deaths occurring among women in the reproductive period (usually 15 to 49 years) : insurance authorities would be interested in the mortality pattern at different ages of the Population. 
          Death rate computed for a particular specified section of the population is termed as specific death rate (S.D.R.). S.D.R. for a given geographical region during a given period

$$\text{S.D.R.} = \frac{\text{Total number of deaths in the Specified}\\ \text{ Section of the population in the given period}}{\text{Total population of the Specified Section in the same period}} \times $$
k = 1000 usually. Usually S.D.R. is computed specific to (i) age. and (ii) sex.

Age-Specific Death Rate (Age S.D.R.).To formulate ideas mathematically, 
$$ \\ ^mD_x = \text{Number of deaths in the age-group (x, x+n)}$$

i.e., number of deaths among the persons with age x or more but less than x+n, in a given region during a given period, t (say).
 $$ \\ ^nP_x = \text{Total population of the age-group x to (x+n)}$$
 Then the age-specific death rate for the age-group x to x+n, usually denoted by
 $$\ ^nm_x, \text{is given by} \\$$
$$^nm_x = \frac{^nD_x}{^nP_x} \times 1000, \quad \text{where} \, m = 1,2,3, \ldots \\ \text{Age-specific death rate for male} \\ ^m_nm_x = \frac{^m_nD_x}{^m_nP_x} \times 1000 \\ \text{Age-specific death rate for females} \\ ^f_nm_x = \frac{^f_nD_x}{^f_nP_x} \times 1000,$$

Merits. The death rates specific to age and sex overcome the drawback of C.D.R., since they are computed by taking into consideration the age and sex composition of the population. By eliminating the variation in the death rates due to age-sex distribution of the population S.D.R’s provide more appropriate  measures of the relative mortality situation in the regions.


Demcrits 1. However, S.D.R.’s are not of much utility for overall comparison of mortality conditions prevailing in two different regions,

say. A and B. For example, it might happen that for certain age-groups the mortality pattern for region A is greater than that for B but for the others the case may be opposite. Hence it will not be possible to draw general conclusion regarding the overall mortality pattern in region A as compared to the region B. In order to draw some valid conclusions, the different age  and sex specific death rates must be combined_ to give a  single figure, reflecting the true picture of mortality in the region.  

2. Moreover, in addition to age and sex distribution of the population social, occupational and topographical factors come into operation causing what is called diferential mortality. S.D.R.’s completely ignore these factors. In order to eliminate such spurious effects, standardised death rates are compute

 Standardised Death Rates  the crude death rates in terms of age-specific death rates for two regions A and B are given respectively by

$$^a_m = \frac{D_a}{P_a} \times 1000 =\frac{\sum_{x} ^am_x^ap_x}{\sum_{x} ^ap_x}$$ $$^b_m = \frac{D_b}{P_b} \times 1000 =\frac{\sum_{x} ^bm_x^bp_x}{\sum_{x} ^bp_x}$$

The expressions in above are nothing but the weighted arithmetic means of the age-S.D.R., the weights being the corresponding populations in the age-group.

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