basic of questionnaire and schedule | Schedules and Questionnaires

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Questionnaire and schedule

Basic ,about questionnaire and schedule


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       Schedules and Questionnaires; This is an important method for the collection of data which is followed usually by private individuals research workers, non-official institutions and, sometimes, the Government also. In this method, a list of questions relating to the problem under investigation is prepared and printed and infomation is collected from various sources  in any of the following ways :


1. By sending the questionnaire to the persons concerned and requesting them to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. The main advantage of this method is that it is least expensive, and with it information can be collected from a wide area in a comparatively short period of time. Success in this method depends on the co-operation and  attitude of the informants. If the informants are indifferent in their attitude and do not take interest in answering  the questions, that will affect  results.
However, this method cannot be used if the informants are illiterate, then this type of research will raise many type of errors in the survey.
 2. By sending the questionnaires through enumerators to help the informants in filling the answers. In this method, the enumerators go to the infomants along with the questionnaires and help them in recording their answers. The enumerators explain the aims and objects of the investigation to the informants and also emphasise the necessity and usefulness of correct answers. They also remove the difficulties which my informant may feel in understanding the implications of a particular question or the definition or concept of the difficult terms.


This method is very useful in extensive enquiries and with it, fairly dependable results can be expected. it is, however, very expensive and usually such enquiries can be conducted only by the Government. Population census all over the world is conducted by this method. In such enquiries, it is necessary that not only the questions are simple and few in number but the enumerators are also courteous and polite and have proper training.


     The selection of enumerators is very important and should be carefully done. The enumerators should be explained the nature, scope and subject of the investigation thoroughly and they should properly understand the implications of the diiferent questions put and the definitions of the various terms used. The enumerators should have intelligence and capacity of cross examination for the purpose of finding out the truth and they Should be persons who are hard-working and should have patience and perseverance.


         Example of schedules;





Example of  Questionnaire


A questionnaire: what is it? 
                                       A questionnaire is a list of inquiries intended to elicit data or viewpoints from a group of people. It is a widely used instrument in surveys, research, and feedback collection. A questionnaire may have closed  ended questions (including multiple choice, true/false, and Likert scales) or open-ended questions (in which respondents give their opinion in their own words). After the respondents provide their answers, the data is evaluated to obtain knowledge and help in decision-making.

  Examples of questionnaires; are opinion surveys, market research forms, and surveys. Important characteristics of a questionnaire are: 
• Independent Completion:completed by respondents on their own, protecting their identity and reducing bias.
 • Standardized Format: Data consistency amongst participants is ensured by using uniform questions. • Data Focus: Able to gather both quantitative (numbers) and qualitative (words and figures) data.Mixed data collection is another benefit of it (qualitative and quantitative data combined).

• Adaptable Applications: Used in a variety of domains to gain understanding of viewpoints, educational objectives, and client satisfaction.

 What Is a Schedule? Interviewers utilize a timetable as a technique to get information or thoughts from people directly. There are some questions on it, along with a place to write the answers. The program proves effective regardless of whether participants are literate or not, making it a viable alternative for data collection in varied settings. Examples of schedules include in-person interviews, phone surveys, and interviews for field research. 

A schedule's essential components include: • Interviewer Administration: Conducted directly by the interviewer, allowing for prompt clarification and more in-depth questioning of the answers. • Interactive Format: Promotes a lively dialogue between the interviewer and the subject, which may result in more detailed information. • Adaptability: Based on the respondent's responses, questions can be immediately modified or followed up on, providing for more flexibility. • Comprehensive Data Collection: Although it can also be organized for quantitative analysis, it aids in obtaining qualitative insights. 

Important Distinctions between a Schedule and a Questionnaire;

 the main distinctions between a timetable and a questionnaire are as follows: 

• Because the questionnaire is self administered, participants can respond to the questions on their own.The schedule is administered by an interviewer or observer in the interim, who needs to ask or prompt questions directly from the subject.

 • A schedule documents factual data and observations, whereas a questionnaire records individual viewpoints and experiences. The questionnaire collects information that is both qualitative and quantitative in order to give a comprehensive picture of the topic.Schedule, on the other hand, focuses mainly on gathering qualitative data.

 Surveys, opinion polls, and market research forms are a few examples of questionnaires that demonstrate their adaptability in gathering a variety of personal insights. On the other hand, schedules are useful for recording accurate information and monitoring events, as demonstrated by examples of them including instructional plans, interview guides, and observation logs.

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