How to write the description for the youtube video.

Tajamul sir


I have explained here in this post that how can we write the  description for the  youtube videos, when we upload a video on the youtube   description   is important for the  video to be ranked in the SEO, or google engine. Below is the  written description  for your knowledge and for the youtubers . you will take hint from this  and may repeat the same for your videos.
Steps for writing the description;
In this section the introduction of the  video provided may be shown in the short para, what is the  video showing ,about the content and the material to be lean from the video. This may be  written in the  short para.

About yourself
In this section you may say about  the channel and the links where  your connection is possible and  also the links of the mail ects. This will also help your video to be ranked in the SEO of the youtube.

  In the last parah you may also say about yoursef  and the main purpose of the channel and also the experience of the field you may have . This may be  also shown in detail at the bottam of the description.You can also take the help from the below written description for you knowledge.

    In this video you may learn about the “   constructions  class 10th “   solved.  chapter   class 10th  math.The question is solved and explained.  “ geometric constructions   class 10th”. Explained in easy way .
 Constructions  class 10th Ex. 10.1,10.2  | Class10th.|NCERT ,CBSE| math.
Constructions  | tangents to a circle|construction of  tangents|traingles   
| ratio m:n construction |  construction of similar triangle  | division of line segment  “geometric constructions” | “constructions of tangents to a circle”
You can also visit the following  solved questions  in playlists shown below;
1.       Introduction to  Polynomials (
2.       Polynomials –Class10th-Ex-2.1 solved(
3.       Polynomials-class10th-Ex-2.2.Solved(
4.       Introduction to Quadratic equations .solved(
5.       Quadratic equations—class10th-EX.4.1  solved(
6.       Quadratic equations—
7.       Quadratic  equations—class10th Solved(
8.       Geometric constructions – (

         If  you have not subscribed the channel it is requested to subscribe the channel and  increases the knowledge in the mathematical concepts as; “Quadratic equations” “constructions”  “,Trigonometry’, “polynomials”  “Circles” ,” probability” “tangents to a circle” etc.After watching the video you may also like the video.

Contacts; You can also follow me on links;
3.  //  Tajamul Sir
4. //www.
       In this  channel the  concept of the “Quadratic equations”, ‘Polynomials”, Trigonometry class 10th, “Circles class 10th” “ constructions”, “ tangents to a circles”,  “surface areas” linear equations, may  be  understable to you very easily. As  I have explained in this video  the question of  “ Polynomials class 10th” in a very easy way.
       I am  Tajamul Sir K.U 2010 , created this channel for the help of the students and the teachers  to improve the knowledge  in the field of mathematics, economics etc.Hope you may watch the video in  which I have explained the  question of chapter “Quadratic equations “ class 10th  and also subscribe the channel.

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