Census, its features and functions.

Tajamul sir

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Census method. Statistics deals with large number. It does not study a single figure. All the items under consideration in any field enquiry constitute a universe of population. Complete enumeration of all the items in the pupulation is known as census method of collecting data. Census method is that method in which data is collected about every item of the universe or population relating to the problem under mvestigation.

             In this method, data are collected from each and every unit of the population. Our unit may be student, unemployed person, factory, household or a shop depending upon the study under consideration. This method of getting information from all the units is also called complete enumeration. For example, if the enquiry relates to the study of average daily pocket expenses of students of a particular college, then in census method information about pocket expenses will be collected from each and every student of that particular college. If the scope of the enquiry is large then census method requires a lot of time, money and other resources. The census method can provide more accurate and exact information as data are collected from each and every unit of the population. In India, population census is conducted after every ten years.

"the total process of collecting. compiling and publishing demographic, economic and social data pertaining at a specified time or times to all persons in a country or delimited territory.

Suitability of Census Method. The method is suitable under certain conditions:
1. Where the area of inquiry is not vast.
2. Where the time is too much.
 3. Where more degree of accuracy is  required.
4. Where too much finance is available.

(i) The data collected from census method are more accurate and reliable
(ii) Data collected from census method can be widely used as a basis for various surveys.
(iii) This method is free from sampling errors. The possibility of personal bias affecting the selection of units and the method of sampling are not there.
 (iv) Since data are collected from each and every unit of the population, all the characteristics of the population can be studied.
(i) This method requires a large number of investigators and other staff involving a lot of money.
 (ii) It needs a lot of time.
 (iii) This method becomes useless when results are needed urgently.
 (iv) In some cases it is not possible to make use of the census method. For example, in the case of enquiries relating to life of candles, electric bulbs, strength of crackers etc., we cannot use census method.

 Inconvenient. This method is very inconvenient. It involves a great deal of money, men and labour. .
 Not possible for All men. This method can not be used by all, only the rich and resourceful men and organisations can use this method. ‘

Some of the essential features of the census are as follows:
Sponsorship: To conduct a census, vast organisation and considerable resources are needed. The census organisation has to mobilise extensive administrative machinery with adequate legislative authority. This can be done only by National Government with the cooperation of States and Local Governments.
 Defined Territory population figures have no meaning unless they refer to a well defined territory. The territory covered, along with any changes in its area In successive censuses should be clearly and explicitly stated.
Universality:Each person present and/or residing within its scope, without omission or duplication should be included in the census to ensure completeness and accuracy of census data.
Simultaneity:The total population enumerated should refer to one well defined point of time and the data collected should also refer to a well defined point or period of time. This is essential to an accurate count of the total population and relationship of facts about the population to a specified period of time. As a general rule, a day is fixed for the census and also a particular moment which Is called the 'census moment'. In India, the 'Census moment" now is the sunrise of ist Match, of the census year. The fixing of the “census moment" helps the enumerators to decide which persons are to be included in the census. The persons born after the census moment or the persons dying before the census moment are to be excluded from the census. Some of the characteristics of the population like age, marital status, occupation, literacy and birthplace etc., are referred to a period of time usually from 10th February to 28th February of the census year to ensure simultaneity.

Defined Periodicity: Censuses should be taken at regular Intervals so that comparable Information Is made avallable In a fixed sequence. A series of censuses makes It possible to appraise the past, accurately describe the present and estimate the future.
 Individual Units: Census data must be collected separately to: each Individual so that detailed classifications may be provided In all the required  combinations. A procedure of "group enumeration‘ Is not a census. Even though a well-designed "group enumeration' can produce cross-classiflcations of certain individual characteristics. such as sex and age, the possibilities in this respect are so limited that the procedure is not recommended for general use, particularly since it tends to result in under-enumeration of the population.
Compilation and Publications: No census is complete unless the data collected are compiled and published by geographic areas and by basic demographic variables. The unpublished data is of no use to the potential users of the census data. That Is why the census should be limited to very Important Items which can be tabulated and published In time.
International Simultaneity: The census of any country Is of greater value natIonally. regionally and lnternatlonally If It can be compared with the censuses of other countries which are taken at approximately the same time. Censuses In most countries of the world are conducted In years ending In 0 or 1. In India, the decennial censuses are conducted In years ending In 1. International comparablllty Is thus maintained. The Indian census accompanies all the above features.

     The population census provides the basic data for administtative purposes. One of the most basic of the administrative uses of census data is in the demarcation of constituenceis and the allocation of representation on governing bodies. Detailed Information on the geographic disttibution of the population is indispensable for this purpose. The legal and administrative status of a territorial division also depends upon the size of Its population. The social and cultural data collected in the census Is employed to determine the total number of seats to be reserved for members of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the House of People and the Legislative Assemblies of the States. The Census also gives information on the demographic and economic characteristics of the population at the district level. This information is of immense help for the administration at the district level. Information on the geographic distribution of the population, its size and its other characteristics is essential to the study and evaluation of economic and social problems, which must precede the determination of policy affecting economic and social development. Consideration of questions of employment and manpower programmes, migration, housing. education. public health and welfare, social services, economic and social pianning, and numerous other aspects of the life of the country, are facilitated if accurate information about the characteristics of the population is available for civil and other administrative divisions.

The population census provides indispensable data for scientific analysis and appraisal of the composition, disttibution and past and prospective growth of the population. The changing patterns of urban-rural concentration, the development of urbanised areas. the geographic distribution of population according to occupation and education, the sex and age structure of population, social and economic characteristics at population are the questions of scientific interest which are of importance both to research and practical problems of industrial and commercial growth and management.
The census can provide the frame for scientific sample design in connection with sample surveys. at the same time It provides benchmark data for evaluating the reasonableness of the over-all survey results as well as a base against which changes in the characteristics investigated in both inquiries can be measured. To permit comparison of census and survey results, the definitions and classifications employed should be as nearly alike as possible consistent with the aims of each investigation. The selection of Sample units for the purpose of investigation in a sample survey has to be made from the complete list of these units. The sampling frame may be list of small areas, structures, persons, households or groups of households. The National Sample Survey is frequently using the list of census villages as frame for several social and economic investigation in rural areas of India. The Sample Registration Scheme of Registrar General's office in india also utilises the list of census villages and blocks as frame for the registration of births and deaths.

The census data is indispensable for social and economic planning of the Country. The Planning Commission utilises the Census data on the distribution of population by age, sex classified by rural and urban regions, cities, town areas and social groups to analyse the growth of consumer demand and savings in the process of development. The census data also prove useful in national income estimates and estimates on differential personal incomes .
             Census data can prove very useful In the formulation of policies on education, health, agriculture, food and development of road, rail transport etc. In a nut-shell, it can be said that the census data is extremely useful for all types of planning.
Thank  you
Tajamul Islam from  J&K
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