Vital statistics uses and definations.

Tajamul sir

                             VITAL STATISTICS

      Vital Statistics is defined as that branch of biometry which deals with data and the laws of human mortality, morbidity and demography. The term vital statistics refers to the numerical data or the techniques used in the analysis of the data pertaining to vitals events occuring in the given section of the population. By vital events we mean such events of human life as fertility and mortality (births and deaths) marriage, divorce, separation, adoptions, legitimations, etc. Sir Arthur Newsholme“ defines Vital Statistics as “the whole study of mankind as affected by heredity or environment in so far as the results of this study can be arithmetically stated”. According to him “Vital Statistics forms perhaps the most important branch of Statistics as it deals with mankind in  the aggregate. It is the science of numbers applied to the life history of communities and nations.

Uses of Vital Statistics.
 Vital statistics are being extensively used in  almost all the spheres of human activity. We outline below some of the important application of vital statistics.
1. Study of Population Trend. The vital statistics, as already pointed out, reflect the changing pattern of the population of any region, community or country in terms of the number of births, deaths and marriages. The division of the population of different regions (or races) by birth and death rates enables us to form some idea about the population trend of the  regions or countries and the general standard of living and virility of the races.
2. Use in Public Administration. The study of population movement, i.e., population estimation, population projections and. other allied studies together with birth and death statistics according to 'age and sex distributions provides any administration with fundamental tools which ‘are indispensable for the overall planning and evaluation of economic and social development programmes.
3. Mortality and natality statistics also provide guide spots for use by the researchers in medical and pharmaceutical profession.  

4. Use of Operating Agencies. The facts and figures relating to births, deaths and marriages are of extreme importance to various official agencies for a variety of administrative purposes. Mortality statistics serve as a guide -to the health authorities for sanitary improvements, improved medical facilities and public cleanliness. The data on the incidence of diseases, together with the number of deaths by age and nature of diseases are of paramount importance to health authorities in taking appropriate remedial action to prevent or control the spread of the 'disease.  
5. The whole of actuarial science, including life insurance is based on the mortality or life tables. The vital records concerning all possible factors contributing to deaths in various ages are indispensable tool in all life insurance schemes .

912. Methods of Obtaining Vital Statistics. The vital statistics data are usually obtained by the following methods.

1. Registration Method. The most important source of obtaining vital statistics data is the registration method which consists in continuous and permanent recording of vital events pertaining to births, deaths, marriages, migration, etc. These, data in addition to their statistical utility also have their' value as legal documents. Registration of births provide information on place of birth, sex, age and religion of the parents," legitimacy, number of previous issues and their sexes, father’s occupation and birth place of parents. Similarly death registration furnishes information on place of death, sex, age, marital status, number of issues, birth place, occupation and cause of death. Similar information is also obtained with respect to marriages and migrants.
Many countries require compulsory registration of births and deaths under the law. For example, every new birth has 'to be reported to thc authorities along with the information as given above. Similarly the death of a person is automatically recorded since the disposal of the body requires
 an appropriate death certificate from the authorities.

2. Census Method. Almost in all the countries all over the world_ population census is conducted at regular intervals of time, usually ten .years. Census consists of complete enumeration of the population of the particular area under study and collecting information from individuals regarding age, sex, marital. status, occupation, religion and other economic and social charactenstics.
The main drawback of the census method is that it provides vital statiitics only for the census years and fails to give any information about the vital events in the intercensal period.
Thank you

Tajamul Islam
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